Star Trek Sunday Memes @WilliamShatner @GeorgeTakei @GineokwKoenig @JeriLRyan @StarTrek #StarTrek #StarTrekSunday

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Sundays now are lazy days for me. I either post something silly or other people’s work. Usually both. Today, I return to Star Trek Sunday. (Are any of the kids saying that?)

I found these memes on MeWe’s Star Trek group chat.

I guess that’s funny. This one might be better.



But better.

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A Star Trek Christmas! @StarTrek #Christmas #StarTrek

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I was raised Catholic, but I’m, let’s just say, unaffiliated at the moment. Still, if there were any reason for me to engage in holiday traditions, it would be Christmas. In fact, people like me have influenced United States Supreme Court precedent on the Establishment Clause, but that’s a story for another day.

Patrick Stewart likes to talk about Star Trek as the modern human’s mythology, and I guess that applies to me. So, here’s my means to celebrate Christmas. Sort of. It’s all the memes that hit my stream this year, some of which are new to me. This is my mythology.

From one of the best episodes of TNG.

Fortunately, I never have to worry about this sort of thing.

Kirk is such a hound dog.

I would buy this outfit.


Some more decorations.

Humans apparently still celebrate Christmas in 2364, as evidenced by their viewing of Christmas movies.

Worf never got it. He never got anything.

But seriously . . .

Worf I get, but Gowron? I had no idea that Klingons celebrated Christmas.

Happy Star Trek Day … I mean, holidays!

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What Really Grinds My Gears: Reaction Memes #StarTrek #meme

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Once again, you kids have wandered onto my lawn, so I need to set you straight. Consider the following meme.

I get it!

In this meme, Kira Nerys (in the first column) is reacting to what’s going on in the second column, yet her reactions are placed to the left of the Bluetooth devices. How does that make sense? While not all cultures read left to right, most do, and more to the point, ours does. Ergo, the meme shouldn’t be organized this way. Nevertheless, this is how they usually appear, and when they don’t, I’m assuming someone made a mistake. Try this, and see if a better mental picture forms in your head.

“But Rob! She’s subtly facing the wrong direction!” Not really, assuming the camera is panning from the ear to her (which makes the original image wrong for a different reason), but if it really bothers you, then flip the image, Picasso. I used MS Paint for all of this.

Doesn’t this work much better? Get it straight, dipshits.

It ain’t fun growing old.

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It’s About Time @williamshatner #StarTrek

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Tomorrow morning, October 13, 2021, at 9:30 ET, William Shatner will be returning to work with his former employer. I wish him well.

I’m not as concerned for the safety of the other crew members. Nor apparently is anyone else.

You can watch it here:

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Casey Biggs and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine @netflix @arenastage #QuarantineLife #StarTrek #DS9

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My favorite movie and television property is Star Trek. I wasn’t fond of Star Trek Into Darkness but otherwise am an apologist for the property. However, Star Trek Deep Space Nine wrapped up while I was in law school, so it’s the only series for which I haven’t seen all the episodes. I’m currently remedying that situation by watching seasons 6 and 7.

There’s nothing I can say about the series that hasn’t been said before. Instead, I’ll mention a personal anecdote. I’ve been attending the theater since I was 5 years old, so over 4 decades. However, it wasn’t just any theater; it was Arena Stage. Arena is high-quality theater. I can’t tell you how many now-famous actors I’ve seen cut their teeth at Arena, as well as stop by for a visit after getting their big break.

So, when I saw that Casey Biggs had joined the cast of Deep Space Nine as Damar, I was thrilled. Mr. Biggs has a history with Arena. He was the first actor I had ever seen on TV (L.A. Law) that I first saw at Arena. My favorite two roles for him were that of Odysseus in Homer’s Odyssey and Petruchio in Taming of the Shrew. He appears to be assigned to soap opera hell but consistently gets one-shot roles on prominent TV shows.

He remains an obscure actor, but I’ve paid attention and appreciate what he’s done through these years.

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